How come when ever I hear a Chronic Car Audio commercial on the radio I want to vomit?
The narrator sounds like either a 12 year old kid just starting to hit puberty (and the commercial sounds as if it was written by the same) ...or, he is a she with an identity problem. Typically I envision a 20 year old butch dike with her breasts taped down and a sock in her pants, trying to pass for a male. Lets not forget the "Mary Jane" character who is probably being performed by somebody's semi-attractive girlfriend who thinks her looks will naturally translate to radio. Her voice is deeper than the "guy's" voice but is still trying to sound sexy and she is too stupid to realize that the dude has no balls. And how many pathetic marijauna REFERences does one really need in a car radio ad any way?
OK, so the ad got my attention. I will be sure to never shop there... to be blunt.
....Eric hates everything......
...But tell us how you REALLY feel.
F off you piece of shit you dont know anything your jealous and hurt by your own image in the damn mirror ,.,.,.,., btw i feel sorry for you ,.,./,.
BTW the voice of chronic is Damn sexy
I know Mary you?? Obviously NOT. She is a sweet girl, and VERY sexy!! I think her voice is well suited for radio and she is one of the writers for the commercials. Several of which got a standing ovation from the execs at the radio station. What have you ever received a standing ovation for? Probably just you in front of your toilet!!
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